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Writer's pictureHeath Thompson

Amazon PPC Management - Launches: Which Keywords to Use During the First Weeks of a Launch?

Updated: Jul 31

Amazon PPC Management - Launches: Which Keywords to Use During the First Weeks of a Launch?

The Full Question:

Hi Heath, I am about to launch a new product and I have had the listing optimised and written for me. As part of that work they have done keyword research (most relevant with good search volumes) and then they have put these keywords into the listing. Instead of doing my own keyword research would it be best if I take the keywords that are in my title and in the rest of the listing and use these in my first Exact match campaigns in week 1-2? This way they will match and the algorithm will see that? Thanks so much.

The Answer:


Yes, providing that the keywords are highly relevant to your product and have good search volumes, you can target those.  The initial starting point is simply to direct the algorithm through a narrow funnel of keywords so that it builds keyword indexing around phrases that are most relevant to your product (and not similar ones that might also be used for an associate product). 


Depending on clicks and sales etc, after the first couple of weeks, you should see that the Amazon algorithm has built a foundation of highly relevant keywords for your product and this shows that it clearly understands who your target audience is.


After this period, or after you see you have 100-200 keywords with high relevance when you do a reverse ASIN, you can then expand out into other keyword targeting, and Broad, Phrase, Auto campaigns.


Hope that helps.

Further Questions:

So, when I choose my initial keywords should I be going for the most relevant irrespective of their search volume? If I have to make a decision between two highly relevant keywords would it be best to go with the one with the highest search volume. When I start my Broad, Phrase, and Auto campaigns should I still continue with my original EXACT campaigns with the same daily budget?


The Answer:

Yes, that's mostly right. Firstly, targeting 50 keywords sounds like too much at the beginning unless you have a big budget. I normally begin with 3 or 4 ad campaigns targeting 5-10 keywords. The narrower your focus the higher the chance that you will influence the algorithm in the direction you want - remember, this is about organic ranking at the moment and not PPC. You are using PPC to improve matters for you organically - at this stage.


When you create Broad and Phrase campaigns you want to target the same keywords that you already target in Exact. So, after a week or two put the same keywords into those separate campaigns with their own budgets - the keywords won't compete with one another but your ads will be shown to different shoppers based on their buying intent.


When looking at the reverse ASIN spreadsheets you want to begin targeting those keywords in Exact - you are trying to improve your organic ranking for the keywords that you have identified as needing a boost based on their current organic position. If you are targeting them in Broad and Phrase you will be getting different search terms than the keywords you are targeting, therefore you are less likely to improve organic rank for the targeted keywords. They need to be Exact. Once you see that works, you can then target in Broad and Phrase and find new converting search terms to retarget as keywords.


Ref deciding on how and when to bid manage - that's a whole subject in itself. In brief, you will have some keywords that are very important to your overall sales and TACOS, they might have a higher ACoS than what you had hoped but it may be that you have to live with that if the payoff is good. You will need to make incremental changes to them and observe what happens over a 2-3 week period. 


Where it is clear that a keyword is not performing i.e., at too high a cost, or not driving clicks/sales - if you think it should perform you need to investigate why it isn't - look at the search terms sent to it and first see if they are irrelevant - then block them from showing ads if they haven't lead to orders anywhere else in the campaign. Depending on how that campaign is structured.


If you have too many keywords at the start it will be difficult for you to manage and you are giving the algorithm a greater spread of choice as to which to activate ads. You don't want a situation where you have 50 keywords all getting clicks but only a few have orders, as this will show as high ACoS with lots of low-volume clicks. And that's difficult to manage.

Need help with your Amazon PPC Management?

If you can't stand the stress of managing them anymore, or you wish you could get on and focus on what you love about your Amazon work, feel free to get in touch at heath AT I might be able to help.

Check out my Amazon PPC Launch Course by clicking the image below...

Amazon PPC Launch Course

Tags - Amazon PPC Keywords - Amazon PPC Management - Amazon PPC Strategy - Amazon PPC Tutorial - Launching with Amazon PPC

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