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Writer's pictureHeath Thompson

Amazon PPC Management - Variations: Should I Group Variations in the Same PPC Ad Campaigns?

Updated: Jul 31

Amazon PPC Management - Variations: Should I Group Variations in the Same PPC Ad Campaigns?

The Full Question:

Variations are what I am struggling with right now! What should I do or what should I have done in this scenario:

I have a product that launched 4 months ago with 2 colour variations. Both colours sold equally well and from the beginning both variation's ASINs have been targeted together in the PPC campaigns. 

But to increase popularity and conversion rate (I thought!), I introduced 2 new colour variations. I launched these about 1 week ago.

However.. I forgot to add these 2 new variations into my ppc campaigns. 

My sales and rankings after a week have suddenly dropped. 

1. Would not having had the new variations in the ppc campaigns, have caused my rankings to drop, because I was advertising colour 1 and 2, but suddenly making sales on colours 3 and 4, but variations 3 and 4 were not in my ppc campaigns and hence taking away the search term credit from the original colours 1 and 2?

2. Or would this have happened anyway, regardless of whether I had the new variations ASINs in the PPC campaign or not, because suddenly the new variations got the search term credit and the old one didn't and hence it's ranking dropped?

3. If one variation in the group gets a sale, I know it gets the credit for the search term, but do they all "collectively" somehow also benefit a little?

4. If not, then how do you introduce new variations to an existing listing, without decreasing rankings for search terms that the original listings use to convert on?

Thanks for your time Heath

The Answer:

The search term credit goes to the product that had the order as you said, however, at the first 1-2 weeks of launch stage clicks also have a factor in ranking.

If you are advertising products 1 & 2 and have the additional listings not advertised, they are by default, also being advertised if they are part of the same variation group on Amazon's product page.  Even if you advertise only one, all the products are effectively advertised.

The difference now is that the extra units are impacting upon the sales data.  You would, however, still get the sale attributed to your ad campaign.  So, if you had product 1 in an ad, but product 3 was ordered which wasn't advertised, the sale would still be attributed to that ad click because you got a sale.

The only collective improvements are that overall their visibility is increasing as each ASIN improves in rank for specific keywords.  If ASIN 3 got an order for "Search Term A" and it boosted in rank from 300 to 100, the overall visibility would not improve for "Search Term A" unless the other three ASINs were already ranked worse than 100.  

As for your final question, it doesn't really matter in the long term.   If your first variations 1 & 2 were ranking well, but now 3 & 4 are stealing their thunder, well you have found two products that appear to be doing great, and at some point, their rank will likely do better than 1 or 2 - the alternative is to group 1 & 2 in their variation family and 3 & 4 into a separate one.  Then you have more control and can set up ads for each pair while taking up more space on page 1!

You also need to consider the number and value of their reviews. Newly launched variations will benefit from being in a group of more established products provided that their reviews are good. If multiple product visibility for specific keywords is your strategy then you will need to separate them, and I would do that based on their review quantity and rating performance so that they have the best chance of converting when split from the variation group.

I hope that helps.

Need help with your Amazon PPC Management?

If you can't stand the stress of managing them anymore, or you wish you could get on and focus on what you love about your Amazon work, feel free to get in touch at heath AT I might be able to help.

Tags - Advertising variations on Amazon - How to advertise Amazon FBA variation listings - How to advertise Amazon product variations - Using Amazon product variations and PPC together - Amazon PPC variations the right approach - Amazon PPC Management Variations - Amazon Sponsored Ads Variations

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